01 December 2005


Its amazing how there is something inside you that gets you so excited that you feel like annoucing to the world that you are pregnant, but the fear of jinxing the baby forces you to keep the new arrival a hush hush affair. So much so, that if an enthusiastic and happy being, like your mum, happens to spill the beans to the relatives, you look upon them admonishingly, as if they spilt out the top secret defence code of the country and now there will be no one left to save us from a nuclear war!!!!

At that time, I followed all the jinx advice and kept it a hush hush affair... but looking back, I would like to ask all those who scared me with the jinx story - its the arrival of a baby ... its a happy news and we must celebrate.... why not tell the world... ever since the news my world has changed, the pregnancy and the tiny life inside me is all I can think of when I talk to anyone, all I see around me is babies and expecting mothers, suddenly I have begun pausing on any baby face on the tube... even if its for an advertisement. I want to share my happiness with all around me, I have got the gift I was longing for.... then why give way to fear?

Leads to an almost philosophical discussion - why are we scared of losing even before we have actually won?


Anonymous said...

The problem is that if we start focusing on what can go right, if things go wrong, the sorrow will be more...
Its like you have appeared for an IAS exam, and you start feeling joyous that you have succeeded even before the results have come out. But, there is time for the actual results to be out, and so expression of happiness should wait till the final results come out.

Right now, you know that you are pregnant, but why celebrate and make noise till the baby has surfaced safely into the world?

After all, there are many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip!

Anonymous said...

You have already won. Only your win is invisible at the moment. It doesn't matter whether it is visible or invisible as this is a transisent phase. The fear of losing will always be there; even after baby is born, even after it grows up and even after it is adult. So fear of loss is attached with all possessions. One has to learn to accept this basic fact of life. Once you accept it, you can foresake the fear.